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Nutrition & Health

Knowing that growth failure and micronutrient inadequacy during childhood and adolescence can delay growth and create high risk of chronic diseases in adulthood, we pay a particular attention to what they eat.


We ensure that needy children have good nutrition and health, as well as drink safe. Everyday, we provide them a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner. Our team also take into account those who have some types of health problems and set up a specific diet. We encourage health habits, so that they can be in a good physical or mental condition, they can help and care for others...

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Hygiene & Fulfillment

Personal, Environmental, Domestic and food hygiene are vital and help prevent children from getting or spreading germs and infectious diseases. So, to ensure the well-being of needy children, we comply with stringent hygiene protocols and child protection measures. The center comes up with clothes, shoes, games and all the basic elements they need for a decent lifestyle. We promote human rights, mutual respect, cooperation, inclusion, equity and family spirit. Various programs and workshops are available to them in order to develop their interpersonal and intellectual skills, their self-esteem and confidence, as well as become useful people.

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It Is Better To Be Healthy Than To Inherit Valuable Goods !

For A Child In His Right Mind Is Hope For People !


​If you want to help orphans and children in need grow up healthy and have

a better future, please contact us, your support will be highly appreciated and go

a long way. Here are our coordinates. Tel : 0024206949222200242056595959 - 00242069026255.

e-mail: Makayabou Zéphirin district, Container stop.

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